Depois de uma semana muito atarefada finalmente consegui arranjar tempo e também vontade de criar um novo post, porque infelizmente os momentos de letargia ainda não me abandonaram, e cá estou eu a relatar a minha ultima semana.
Para além de conhecer muitas coisas que ainda não conhecia, para além de adquirir mais conhecimento, também houve momentos de relaxe. Sim isso também é preciso e muito.
No passado fim-de-semana experimentei fazer um bolo para verificar qual a minha possibilidade de passar a ser a pasteleira lá de casa nos aniversários e acho que passei o teste :)
Fiz este bolo delicioso e o resultado é o que podem ver... Toda a família se deliciou, como tal não mais haverá bolos de pastelaria em aniversários lá em casa...
After a week too busy I finally got time and also disposed to create a new post because unfortunately the moments of lethargy has not abandoned me, and so here I'm to report my last week.
Besides knowing many things not yet known, apart from acquiring more knowledge, there were also moments of relax. Yes that is also needed, very needed.
In the past weekend I tried to make a cake to see what my chance of becoming a pastry chef to family home birthdays cakes and I think I passed the test :)
I made this delicious cake and the result is what you can see... The whole family was delighted, as such shall be no more cakes pastries for birthdays at home...
After a week too busy I finally got time and also disposed to create a new post because unfortunately the moments of lethargy has not abandoned me, and so here I'm to report my last week.
Besides knowing many things not yet known, apart from acquiring more knowledge, there were also moments of relax. Yes that is also needed, very needed.
In the past weekend I tried to make a cake to see what my chance of becoming a pastry chef to family home birthdays cakes and I think I passed the test :)
I made this delicious cake and the result is what you can see... The whole family was delighted, as such shall be no more cakes pastries for birthdays at home...
A decoração também foi feita por mim. Desenhei os corações e cortei, peguei em pauzinhos de espetada e colei-os...
The decor was also made by me. I drew hearts and cut, got sticks of skewered and glued them ...
O fim de semana passado foi também mais um para por o meu cinema em dia... Vi mais 2 filmes deliciosos que aconselho a não perderem, claro :)
The past weekend was also one more for my cinema... I saw 2 movies delicious that advise not to lose, of course :)
Fiz também a minha primeira encomenda na Skin e gostei muito, aconselho vivamente.
I made also my first purchase on Skin and like very musch.
The decor was also made by me. I drew hearts and cut, got sticks of skewered and glued them ...
O fim de semana passado foi também mais um para por o meu cinema em dia... Vi mais 2 filmes deliciosos que aconselho a não perderem, claro :)
The past weekend was also one more for my cinema... I saw 2 movies delicious that advise not to lose, of course :)
Fiz também a minha primeira encomenda na Skin e gostei muito, aconselho vivamente.
I made also my first purchase on Skin and like very musch.
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